Archibald Ison

www.vfog.com_ivhp_archibald_hs_s.jpg No Photo.

Born 1780 - Died 22 Feb 1871

Isonville was founded by Archibald. Archibald was born in Stoney Creek, Va. and died in Isonville, Ky. Archibald had 10 children.

Life Story of Archibald Ison PDF
Descendents of Archibald PDF

  1. Charles Ison
  2. William Ison
  3. Martin Ison
  4. Ira Ison
  5. Isaac Ison
  6. Lonnie Ison
  7. Doctor Ison » Page
  8. Argalus Ison
  9. Isom Ison
  10. Elizabeth

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