Native Sons:

  • Archibald Ison, Founder of Isonville - Page
    1. Charles Ison
    2. William Ison
    3. Martin Ison
    4. Ira Ison
    5. Isaac Ison
    6. Lonnie Ison
    7. (Doctor Ison)*
    8. Argalus Ison
    9. Isom Ison
    10. Elizabeth Ison
  • Doctor Ison, 7th Child of Archibald - Page
    1. Anderson Ison
    2. Samuel Ison
    3. Phoebie Ison
    4. Allen Ison
    5. Aaron Ison
    6. (Richmond Ison)*
    7. Buragard Ison
    8. Hulda Ison
    9. Josephine Ison
    10. Marion Ison
  • Richmond Ison, 6th Child of Doctor - Page
    1. Walter Ison
    2. (Robert Lee Ison)*
    3. Zebedee Ison
    4. Hulda Ison
    5. David Ison
    6. Edward Ison
    7. Lucy Ison
    8. Eva Ison
    9. Janetta Ison
    10. Lovell Ison
  • Robert Lee Ison, 2nd Child of Richmond - Page
    1. Robert Levi Ison
    2. Joseph Ison
    3. Ruth Ison
    4. Martha Ison
    5. James Ison
    6. Elizabeth Ison
    7. Marilyn Ison

* The bracketed children follow the Robert Lee Ison line.

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